
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Dual Factory Meeting 2022 at OkuiBuki Ski Resort

If there was one event I was excited for this year it was the Dual Factory Meeting in OkuiBuki.  I went to the last event a couple years ago and it was probably the biggest turn out of kyusha I have seen at any event.  Eventually I'll make a post about that event and my wet socks =|

We started the weekend at Sekine's shop, Cars4U in Yokohama.

He was finishing up some work for his customers and getting some final preps done of his tow truck and bluebird for the long journey.

Rod and Sekine spend a lot of time getting all the small details done right to really make their cars as period correct as possible.

Of course it would rain after I washed my car and before the show.

I'm usually no help when I hang out with my friends, just anxiously trying to figure out what I could do but trying not to be in the way.  So I end up just taking pictures or standing around and watching, hoping for someone to ask for help with something.

The event has some rules.

No loaders/tow trucks...

...and no illegal modifications...(like tires sticking out of the fenders.....)

So anyway it was all loaded up and ready to go.

Spent about 7 hours on the road including many pit stops to eat and use the restroom.

As night fell we grew closer to our hotel and all I could think of was that nice tiny room and hard bed waiting for me.

Woke up surprisingly early and had this cool view from my room.

I decided that it was a good idea to go to the 7-11 next door to buy some dish soap, rags and bottled water and clean my car in the parking lot.

It was a good idea, although I'm sure the high school girls sports team that used the parking lot to do warm ups and stretches thought I was crazy.

On our way over to the meet we were informed that the local police had set up a vehicle inspection road block, or kenmon, on the main road to the event.  Basically this is a trap set up by the police to inspect illegally modified cars and fine them or take the off the road completely.

The plan was for me to wait at the closest convenience store and Sekine would drop off his bluebird near the event then come and load my car up on the tow truck to get me past the police.

The plan changed as they found a route around the roadblock.  So I went on my way.

I ended up missing the turn for the detour and drove right through the road block.  Maybe my car looks legal enough for them to not bother with me, or maybe its because I'm a foreigner.  Either way they just stared at me as I drove by.

At this point we've made it to the event successfully, no issues with the cars and no trouble from the police.  Time to relax and enjoy the cars and nice weather.

The turnout was less than half of the previous time but cars were rolling in all the way up to the point we left.

I've seen the Yonmeri around for a while now and always enjoy seeing it.  It's simple but well thought out.

Hardtop sedans with the windows down is the best.

It was cool to see this bluebird with headlight covers and stickers from the California based Moonlight Runners all the way in Japan.

Caught JDM Tsurikawa trying to get into the event to take photos.  I had not known until that morning, but the event was closed off to spectators, so you could only come enter if you drove in a period correct car.

Eventually he just parked on the side and walked over to the entry.  Check out his blog for some great photos of the event.

This Z20 Soarer on BBS RS was nice on the eyes.  Not the first choice of wheels I would think of for this chassis, but it works really well.

I would like to hear what this sounds like.

I have a soft spot for e70 chassis, more so the not so popular front ends.

This is my friends GX71.  I met him through my teammate YY at Hachimaru meeting.  He drifts his 1G-GTE Gx71 and that's cool.  We had a nice chat at the event and talked about wanting to go drifting together.

We actually were at the same event this past weekend and had a good session driving together.  Ill post about that event in the future as well.

Another drifted GX71.

Easily one of my favorite GZ10 Soarers.

The interior in this soarer was very cool.  I don't believe this is OEM, but it looks as though it could have been straight from the factory.  I wish I could have gotten a better picture with the windows down.

This yonmeri tucking Watanabe Gotti wheels was also at WekFest, which I had also attended a couple weeks prior.  I'll have another post for that show eventually too.

Notice the floor mounted tilton pedals.

As usual there was a plethora of hakosukas, but seeing the variety many different stylings from oem to race car to bad boy is nice.

Of course I naturally gravitated towards the bad boy sedan.

I opened the back of my camera before winding up the roll by accident so these few pictures got some light damage...for better or for worse.

A large amount of people started rolling out around lunch time.  Supposedly there was another large kyusha event in Yamanashi.  I'm not sure if they were moving on to that or going home to escape from the heat.

It was lunch time so I was trying to take photos of cars rolling out while stuffing my face with yakisoba and steak skewer.

We decided to start our journey back to Yokohama a little after lunch.

Sekine hid his tow truck in a construction site just outside of the venue so while they loaded up the bluebird in secret, I tried to get photos of the cars still rolling in and out of the venue.

A quick stop at the nearest conbini to get snacks and drinks for the road.

Caught more of the meet rolling down the main road.

Ended my roll with this simple but perfect e70.

It was a fun weekend and we made it there and back with no issues.  Although there was much less cars than I anticipated, it was still a good event and thankfully it didn't rain.  Hopefully next year will be even better!

Bonus dash cam video of the chill drive through the Shiga countryside with some Kyusha.

Attack! Tsukuba 2022