
Saturday, April 9, 2022

The first night touring of the year! Kaido Racers everywhere!

Throughout the year there are meets at a random parking area on a random toll road filled with particular cars.  Usually these meets are through word of mouth only, social media is avoided as to not tip off the wrong people.  Sometimes these meets are small, but other nights they are huge.  This night was one of the bigger meets for the kaido racer/kyusha community and I was lucky enough to get extended an invite to come out by my good friend Rod.  Rod was debuting his new build, which I will point out later in the post.  Not much to say for this one, so it's mostly just pictures.  Pictures didn't come out all that good either but doesn't hurt to share.  I'll have another post later about the Valentine's Day meet at the same spot that was even crazier and with much better photos.

I will admit this picture could have been a really really good one of it was just a little less blurry.


I really dig this oem color with totally different colored flares.

A kei car with a blower is alwaysa good choice


More of that off colored flares look.

Random lowrider hanging out.

Tried to get a shot of my car next to, what was, the king of kings xx, but it came out way to dark.


Team/Garage Success rolled in at peak volume and in no time there's was a large crowd around their cars.  One of which was this leopard sporting a gum packaging theme.

But the car that really was stealing the spotlight was this sunny, freshly built and making glorious rotory sounds.

They also had this rx-2 that sounded equally as good and was sporting some extremely rare (maybe even 1 off) 13" Bilbo wheels in a super wide spec. I've never seen any set of 13" Bilbo's so I'm curious if these are custom made.

The homies.

I was just excited to see this skyline Japan and met the owner of it as well.  Extremely clean and low build.



The ugliest model of the Toyota Corona series that someone actually made kind of cool. Nice.

And finally some shots of Rod LHD 280z.  He imported it from the states last year and had been building it ever since.  I took some photos of it before the decals went on so I'll do a separate post on the car later.  The car has already changed twice since these photos too.

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Attack! Tsukuba 2022